VueJS - Rich Text Editor (TipTap) Keywords FREE

This plug-in makes it easier for automation test developers to interact with RichText editor in VueJS and execute tasks such as getting content, inserting text, or changing the format of a RichText editor.


This plug-in makes it easier for automation test developers to interact with RichText editor in VueJS and execute tasks such as getting content, inserting text, or changing the format of a RichText editor

Follow the steps below to install and begin using the plug-in.

Download sample of using project:

Installing The Plug-in

  1. Create/Open Katalon project (Katalon Studio version v6.0.5 or later)

  2. Select Project > Settings > External Libraries

  3. Add VueJSRichTextEditorKeywords.jar, then click OK.

  4. On the test case file, import com.kms.katalon.webui.keyword.vuejs.RichTextEditorKeywords. You can now use the plug-in.

**To import sample test cases: **

  1. Hover on import com.kms.katalon.webui.keyword.vuejs.RichTextEditorKeywords, right click, then select Open Declaration.

  2. Select Attach Source on Class File Editor page.

  3. Add VueJSRichTextEditorKeywordssources.jar to External location to attach the Javadoc.

  4. Import the JavaDoc of sample test cases.

Visit Katalon Forum for Plugin related discussions.

API keys are required in Katalon Studio Commandline Execution. Generate Key
Project details
Custom Keywords Plugin
Last updated
May 15, 2019 12:30 am
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